QQ - The Dynamic HUD - Use Cases
QQ can be used for roughly 90% of HUDs in Second Life, without any scripting. For the remaining 10% there are Touch Panels. Also see QQAV2, the QQ HUD Builder for AVSitter2 furniture.
Use Cases:
Use Cases:
- Store Ads - Download advertisements, specials, and other store information to a HUD as they enter your store.
- Serverless Ads - These are HUDs that do not require any communication with a server to work. The Notecard has everything need to run the HUD.
- Serverless Ads - These are HUDs that do not require any communication with a server to work. The Notecard has everything need to run the HUD.
- Help/Support Manuals - Build multi-page linkable manuals with fully customized graphics for your complex Second Life products and services.
- Ads on Demand - Download an advertisements for your products and services from compatible displayboards.
- Region Guides - Got a cool region in second life and want to offer a guided tour of the highlights?
- Display Boards - Essentially the HUD rezzed on the grid, but without the toolbar present or active.
- Furniture - Build a graphic HUD showing pictures of your furniture's animations, instead of just menu names.
- Dresses and Accessories - Build graphic HUDs that control your technology. (May require LSL experience).
- Hunts
- Easy - Provide a HUD with all of the vendors in your hunt.
- Medium - Users have to click an item in the store, in order to download the notecard for the next store.
- Navigation Aids - Produce new HUDS for navigating on roads, ships or through the air buy using angle offsets.
- Clubs - A way to show the current schedule, advertise for DJs, Hosts, and Managers, etc.